Walnut Creek Veneers and Implants

Walnut Creek Teeth Whitening, Walnut Creek Veneers, Walnut Creek Dental Implants

Our clinic performs a wide variety of services to help you get the smile you deserve. By leveraging today's advanced techniques and technology, Walnut Creek dentists Dr. Kain YI can restore your beautiful smile to help you maintain your youthful appearance. Whether you need to get a tooth filled, have crooked teeth, or need a complete smile makeover, we can offer a treatment plan that's right for you. Read below to learn more about some of the procedures we offer.
What are the differences between crowns & veneers?
The most important difference bettwen crowns and veneers is the structural integrity that remains after the procedure is performed.    Dental crowns require reduction and removal of enamel from the entire surface of the tooth,...
Are porcelain veneers right for you?
Porcelain Veneers are an option for most patients – but not all. A visit to your cosmetic dentist is the only sure-fire way to find out if you are a candidate but here are a few questions to ask yourself: Do I have a strong foundation?...
Veneer Shape
Many patients are concerned that veneers = 'chicklet teeth' but that is no longer the case! Veneers have come a long way, and now can be expertly sculpted to suit your face shape and lips.